Friday, March 20, 2009

"De Alla Fuera"

Hey. Just thought I'd get something off my chest. I was born and raised in New York. I'm what you call a new York Rican. I'm a Boriqua by default, which is not bad, don't get me wrong. I love that I'm a puerto rican. But that is what is on my chest. You see, for the past 3 years, my husband and I decided to move to P.R. along with our 5 children. Sounds great, right? That's what we thought. Then we found out something different here. 

Over here, being Puerto Rican is not like being Puerto Rican in New York, or any of the other states. Here, if you are born out side of Puerto Rico, you are considered to be from "out side", or to say it in Spanish " de alla fuera". I must tell you that this phrase just kills me sometimes, like we're aliens or something. I think that the people that live in this Island need to stop that and think about other people's feelings. It is hard enough not being able to speak the language so well, because a lot of New York Ricans don't speak Spanish. 

I have more to share about 3 years in the Island, not all bad experiences, so come back and check out what I have to say. If anyone can relate to the issues of "De alla fuera" drop me some lines. I'd like to hear what you think. Thanks.